Wednesday, August 01, 2007

High school all over again...

1. Who was your best friend?
I had a few over those years. But the ones I had that I still consider friends (therefore they are true friends to still know me after almost 20 years) are: Deanna, Alla, & Julie.

2. Did you play any sports?
I was involved with gymnastics & cheerleading.

3. What kind of car did you drive?
The party-van (my parents') & eventually my little ol' Corolla!

4. It’s Friday night. Where were you?
Pulling mainers, or riding Norcos down to 7-Eleven to find a party!

5. Were you a party animal?
Ha...not so much, but I really just loved being a social butterfly!

6. Were you considered a flirt?
Oh, I'm sure I was...I considered myself one!

7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir?
I took band in grade 8, but not in any school band. I was in the choir though (loved it). I also played piano for years.

8. Were you a nerd?
No...I don't think so. I certainly made a concerted effort NOT to be! :)

9. Were you ever suspended or expelled?
No, though I did get kicked out of Science in grade 9 for telling Mr. Wong "that was the Wong answer!" ROFL

10. Can you sing the fight song?
We don't have "fight songs" in Canada (I don't think), but our BB team's was "Mony Mony" by Billy Idol.

11. Who was your favorite teacher?
I actually had so many. Mr Gardiner (Socials) is the 1st I remember loving. Mr. Fraher made Law awesome. I gave Mr. Emde the hardest time in grade 8 English, yet he was always so encouraging. I made up for it in Marketing in grades 11 & 12. He was proud of me. I thought I hated Mr. Williamson (English & Western Civilization), until I realized he pushed me so hard b/c he really liked me. I ended up realizing we really had similar viewpoints. And Ms. Wakelin (who everyone was a little afraid of) ended up inspiring me to excel at Algebra! Who knew!?

12. What was your school mascot?
Panther Pride, baby!

13. Did you go to the Prom?
Sure did...but it didn't live up to the hype.

14. If you could go back, would you?
I know most people would say no...angst & all that...but I totally would! I had a great time!

15. What do you remember most about graduation?
It being SO darn hot! And 2 guys dropping their chairs off the back of the risers & leaning them against the wall & falling asleep. The ceremony was looong!
I also remember going for my first lobster dinner that night with my family & my Dad letting me have one glass of wine.
Then going to "Dry Grad"...the 1st one ever! That year there was a "wet grad" (the one I wanted to be at) & a "dry grad" (we were locked in at the waterslides). Almost all my friends got to go to "wet grad."

16. Where were you on Senior Skip Day?
We didn't have Senior Skip Day, but we had a day when the grad guys kidnapped the girls right out of their beds in the middle of the night (still in our PJs unless we caught wind of it & were smart enough to sleep in our clothes). And another day for the reverse...girls kidnapping guys. That's when I crashed the party-van, but Dad was SO cool about it!

17. Did you have a job your senior year?
I worked at McDonald's from grades 10 through 12. Don't laugh! It was a fun job.

18. Where did you go most often for lunch?
We'd jump in Alla's Neva & race the guys to McD's! Alla had a bumper sticker that said "honk if you're a grad of '88"...we wondered why we were always being honked at! ROFL

19. Have you gained weight since then?
DUH! Anyone who hasn't is a mutant! (Why can't I be a mutant?) :(

20. What did you do after graduation?
I ran for our local pageant queen. Again, don't laugh! I didn't win, but I really had fun & would do it again (if I was a mutant)!

21. What year did you graduate?
1988! Duran Duran rocks!

22. Who was your Senior Prom Date?
James Hyer...we were just friends.

23. Who was your homeroom teacher?
I think we had different homeroom teachers each year... But I remember Mr. Lyons. I think that was grade 8.

Wow...this was fun, reminiscing! Thanks for the meme, Bob at The Four of Clubbs.

Now I tag all of you to do the same: Alisa, Janel, Crissy, DeeDee, Susie, Bryan, April, Sunny, & Shalagh!!!

my email


1UP RPG said...

You're welcome! Don't forget to email me your mailing address.

Nicely illustrated post!

The Glow Girls said...

Love it. It's fun getting to know you through MEME"S they are fun. It sounds like you had fun in highschool. I think I did to , if I can actually remember that far back. Yikes.

Susie said...

This was so fun to read. I'm a fellow duranie too! I will try to get to this soon. It is such a clever meme. Thanks for the tag!

DA Wagners said...

Totally loving reliving the eighties w/ you! Your high school days sounded like a lot of fun! Was your school small? I always wanted to go to a small high school. It seems like fun to know everyone you graduated w/. Thanks for sharing your teenage years.

Canadian Bird said...

Actually, Alisa, I don't know what size is considered small...but my grad class alone was 200+ people, so it wasn't that small. I just had a really good memory back then, so I felt like I knew practically everyone in some way. I'll have to post the traditional pic of my grad class in our caps n' gowns outside the town courthouse. These pics in this post are all actual shots of my HS.
Thanks to all of you who I tagged for playing along!